Old Maps, Vintage Posters, Classical Prints for Thailand (Siam), Laos, Cambodia (Angkor Wat), Vietnam, Burma, China, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore are our area of specialty.

Antique Maps, Vintage Posters, Rare Classic Prints, Books and Engraving from Southeast Asia & World and Fine Arts

Comprehensive Database of Old Maps!
We supply old, antique, rare and classic maps, old prints, historic engravings, vintage posters, bonds and selected pre-1900 books dealing with Asia and particularly Southeast Asia.
Thailand (Siam), Laos, Cambodia (Angkor Wat), Vietnam, Burma, China, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore are our area of specialty.
 Asia Ex Magna Orbe Descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris�
Hand coloured copper engraving by Mercator.
Amsterdam 1628.
Siam, Bangkok.
Chromolithograph after Edward Hildebrandt, Berlin 1872.
Our well appointed shop is situated on the oldest road of Bangkok as "Charoen Krung Road or New Road" at 1044/4-5 Charoen Krung Rd.
Soi 26, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
(click here to find out more about us.)
The shop is run by Joerg Kohler, a German Antiquarian with
very long experience in London, Duesseldorf and Bangkok.
Our website offers the widest range of maps (click
here to search),
prints and views on Southeast Asia and Asia and also all other parts of the
globe, which we come across during our worldwide search for antique maps, prints
and books made prior to the advent of mass production printing techniques.

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Address: 1044/4-5 Charoen Krung Soi 26, Charoen Krung Rd.,
Kwaeng Bangrak, Khet Bangrak 10500, Thailand
Tel: (668) 1827 1870 , (668) 1424 4425
Ig: oldmapshop.bkk
E-mail: oldmapsandprints@gmail.com
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